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Search results

  1. ~Kawaii_Pikachu~

    What moveset is good for Keldeo?

    I have a Keldeo and I was wondering what moveset would be good for it. Other than Secret Sword,can anyone else suggest a moveset i can use?
  2. ~Kawaii_Pikachu~

    What's your best bet when battling a tough opponent in ORAS?

    For me it will depend on what types my opponent uses. For example,fire and water. Water wins. How about you guys? Leave a comment below! ~Kawaii_Pikachu~
  3. ~Kawaii_Pikachu~

    In Pokemon,which one do you think is the best and why?

    Me: Pikachu and ITZ 2 CUTE 2 RESIST :D Reporter: Uhhhh okay....?