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Search results

  1. PC Principal

    Breeding Dittos together

    I'm 95% sure that you can't breed 2 dittos, but hey, maybe you can and its just nobody has ever waitied long enough for an egg
  2. PC Principal

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Water Gym: Issue challenge here (Open)

    After the fact rematch post as per gym battle rules
  3. PC Principal

    Breeding Troubles

    arca sorry i said i would help you out earlier but i had to leave There is no way to guarantee the sixth iv. The best option you have is to breed the 6iv ditto with a 5iv mudkip and you have to get lucky with it, only 5 ivs are passed down from the parents Btw i spent days trying to get a 6iv...
  4. PC Principal

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Elite Four (SoIidSmok3) OU Leader - Issue challenge here

    Yo I'd like to challenge you, I have an OU team so idk if you have to wait to get it changed first but i'll be waiting :3
  5. PC Principal

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leaders: Earn Your Badge

    Yo i know i dont yet meet the requirements but i have accepted 9 challenges and won 8 of them so when I get my tenth challenge I will have won 60%, can I still get the badge?