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Search results

  1. Zakair

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) PokéGym Challenge: Activity Tracking

    No further questions. I look forward to our battle when u get everything you need done. :) sorry if i bothered anyone
  2. Zakair

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) PokéGym Challenge: Activity Tracking

    kk best 2/3, no switching teams. can i msg Ary when im ready? after posting on dragon gym of cousre
  3. Zakair

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) PokéGym Challenge: Activity Tracking

    thanks a ton! So if i want the dragon gym id better get workin on a dragon team :D
  4. Zakair

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) PokéGym Challenge: Activity Tracking

    I had a few questions about becoming a gym leader... i wanna try for the dragon gym so must i use only dragon types? and who do i challenge for control of a inactive gym? i thought someone already took @Dragonit3 place but nothings changed. thanks in advance :)
  5. Zakair

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Water Gym: Issue challenge here (Open)

    hey eric been awile so lets have a rematch when ur able. for a badge of course xD
  6. Zakair

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Water Gym: Issue challenge here (Open)

    i challege this gyms leader to a wifi battle