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Search results

  1. G

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leaders: Earn Your Badge

    Am now 6 out of 10 in normal gym, enough to receive normal badge. Then I'll be stepping down from the gym.
  2. G

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leader Application

    since normal gym leader hasn't been on in ages I'd be willing to transfer from grass to normal to have a shot at earning the badge, mods lemme knowif this is all good?
  3. G

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) PokéGym Challenge: Activity Tracking

    I'm aware of the rules, I'm saying can't we get someone in. < Grass leader.
  4. G

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leader Application

    I'm aware of the rules, he pulled out after the first loss.
  5. G

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leader Application

    Beat the current Grass gym leader for membership, thanks @Bdoggy233 for the battle.
  6. G

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) PokéGym Challenge: Activity Tracking

    @Cheza Ground type gym leaders been M.I.A for almost 2 months now after saying he was moving house and would respond to challengers asap, anything we can do about this? I don't want to take leadership but need to challenge someone for the badge.
  7. G

    Mega Rayquazza!

  8. G

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leaders: Earn Your Badge

    I'm 9-2 atm can I cop that fire badge?