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LF [6 Gen] Hippopotas HA

Je Vous Defie

Youngster Joey
Hello everyone. I am looking for a Sand Force Hippopotas / Hippowdon. I do not care about IVs, EVs, Level, Gender etc.

To trade, I have every other HA for the 6th Gen except Legends/non-breedables that I can breed to you. If you'd like.

I can also offer any other pokemon from the 6th Gen, except for Legends/non-breedables.

I can also work on a specific gender/egg moves/nature/IVs/Level/EVs to any pokemon requested. But the higher the request, the more days it will take to complete, as all of my pokemon are 100% legitimate, bred by me, without the use of hacks or any kinds of cheats.

Please let me know what you're looking for.

