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Black Winter Rejuvenation


Staff member
Will Not Fall
Dex Contributor
Black Winter is an exceptional team comprised of some awesome members. Unfortunately the best team leader Black Winter has ever had will soon depart for the time being (Jiggly). I hope we can all pay our tribute to him and remember how great of a leader he was and hope that (possibly) one day he can return :). For now, it is time to get Black Winter back in the game and expand the team, as well as revive its competitive state. It is important if we want to keep Black Winter alive.

Team Member Involvement – There hasn’t been a lot of posts on the Black Winter team page lately, but that may be a lack of a full roster at this point. So what we need to do is do some community events to get our members more involved via the Black Winter team page. This can be done numerous ways. I can’t force people to be involved, but keep in mind it really does help us when you are :). I will start this process by doing weekly giveaways of Pokémon I breed to not only help people become more involved, but help them build their teams as well. You can suggest to me what Pokémon you wish to see me breed to use in the giveaways as well.

Competitive Growth – We need to improve our competitive advantage on this website if we want to grow as a team. I will admittingly say that I am not the best at battles on Pokémon. But this doesn’t mean we can’t be competitive and get better. I am always looking for ways to improve myself as well as help others improve theirselves. If you consider yourself a competitive battler, then step forward and help people become better so we can be in team wars exc. I am trying my best to become good as well, so please, any advice you have for your fellow team is greatly appreciated. Let’s kick some butt :).

Roster Expansion- An area we need to expand the most on is our roster. I know in a small community it is hard to build an influx of members in shorts amount of time but anything you can do to help to get your site buddies to sign up with Black Winter would be awesome :). And hey, you can even get your real life friends to sign up on this site, even if they don’t join the team! You can sway them later ;). The more involved you are in this team the more you will be recognized as a member :). I appreciate everyone who helps out.

Long live Black Winter!


Pokémon Trainer
I'm thinking that we should all congratulate @Jiggly for all he has did for this team to stay alive and helping the team to grow.

