• IMPORTANT: The Buy/Sell forums are now for reference only; all shops are closed here. Please visit the new Marketplace for active buying and selling. Old sellers can access their previous shop links in these forums for setting up new shops in the Marketplace.

Calamity Trigger Tournament

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
The Calamity Trigger Tournament
"The Wheel of Fate is Turning"

The Calamity Trigger is Tournament of Fate. Fight in means to change your fate to reveal your true ending or fall victim to destruction.​

WiFi Singles Tournament
"This is non-official PP Tournament"

The winner will claim their true ending along with 1,000pc

Entry fee is 30pc, post below and send the fee to Yuuki Terumi

Smogon Play Restrictions will be applied.

The Tournament will be held in November the day before Thanksgiving.​

