• IMPORTANT: The Buy/Sell forums are now for reference only; all shops are closed here. Please visit the new Marketplace for active buying and selling. Old sellers can access their previous shop links in these forums for setting up new shops in the Marketplace.

Closed Gin's Shop


Youngster Joey
Hello, Welcome to my shop.
I offer only legitimate pokemon.

Shop open:
8am-4pm EST

Rules of my shop:
1. Be nice to me and other patrons.
2. All prices are final.
3. All sales are final.
4. At this time I do not offer shiny breeding.
5. All prices are for 1 pokemon a peice.
6. I have the right to refuse to breed any pokemon I feel would be too difficult or impossible for me to breed. If that happens I will ask one of the mods for recommendations for breeders that could do it.

1. Eggs- 60PC

2. 0-3 IV, Nature and 1-2 egg moves- 60PC

3. 4-5 IV, Nature, HA and 1-4 egg moves- 100PC

4. Battle ready/Competition ready- 1,200-4,000PC (depends on the difficulty and rarity)

(If buying more than one of prices 3+4, I will throw in 1 to 2 pokemon free. Prices 1+2 depending on stock I will include free items. All at my discretion.)

Message me here or on Discord to discuss what you want.
Discord: @AlexandriaFlareon

