• IMPORTANT: The Buy/Sell forums are now for reference only; all shops are closed here. Please visit the new Marketplace for active buying and selling. Old sellers can access their previous shop links in these forums for setting up new shops in the Marketplace.

Inner Team War


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
I messed up the event ticker, so....um, let's try a thread. Sign up here if you'd like to take part in the inner team war. I'll be splitting up anyone who signs up into groups that I believe are equal. We will try to make a 3v3 format, but this may change depending on how many people sign up.

@PC Principal @ZeusG2 @NexusPlaysPokemon I believe you all wanted a war at one point, so this is your chance. Anyone else is welcome and I'd love to see this get as big as possible. More specifics will come if interest is there for this event. #ReachForTheStars

