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Kopy's Christmas Giveaway


The Reversed Fighter
Twas the 4th Tuesday of December, a subtle Christmas Eve
And small Kopy, had some quite of a heave
For Christmas' arrival, he had prepared
A giveaway to celebrate he thought, A giveaway he'll prepare
For all his team mates, he had quite a banter
For whoever could guess the answer, would win a sick Banner
The question was quite a stumper
Whoever could say the best Christmas Supper!

Alright, so whoever can guess my favorite Christmas dinner, will earn a banner from my banner shop. http://perfectpokemon.com/threads/kopys-insignia-emporium-now-open.6037/#post-70710
Winners will be announced Christmas day, and I wish you all the best of luck, and a very Merry Christmas!
Only Team Nova members may enter!
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