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Active Roleplay (Private; I don't know a name yet either)


Pokémon Champion
Avery simply shook his head, a smile on his face as he looked back at the soldiers parading around the streets.

"Alright, I'll let you know when it's safe, so don't come here unless there's no one there and I give you the signal, alright?" He whispered to her. He studied the path of the soldiers, and then carefully walked over to behind his house, out of sight from them. He looked back at her one more time.


Pokémon Champion
After he checked on her, he turned his attention back to the Soldiers. He walked to the edge of the house, peering around the corner. When he made sure none were looking his way, he quickly dashed to the front of the house, silently opening the door. He breathed a sigh of relief when he stepped into the empty house. Quickly finding a lamp, he turned it on.

He checked the soldiers once more, and seeing them all walk away he quickly ran to the back of the house and opened a window. He then waved at her that the coast was clear.


Pokémon Champion
"One moment!" He called back. He glanced outside, holding up a hand to let her know to wait. He then walked over to the door, peering out the window. Standing there were two soldiers, and they did not look happy. He took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Hello, Soldiers! What can I do for you?" He asked as calmly as he could.


Pokémon Champion
"We saw someone behind your house," the first Soldier replied as he peered inside the small home. "And we want to ask if you saw anyone suspicious," he continued as he pushed past the younger boy into the home. Him and his partner started to search the house while Avery tried his best to act normal.

"Suspicious? The only thing I've seen suspicious all day was that dog that got it's butt kicked by a pair of cats earlier, but that's about it," he jokingly said, inching towards the back of the house. He quickly scanned out the window when the Soldiers weren't looking to see if Natalia was still there....


Pokémon Champion
They continued searching around the house for a while longer, Avery all the while making sure to keep them distracted when they got near the back of the house's windows. After a while, they both talked about, then turned to Avery.

"Alright, if you see anything or anyone suspicious, immediately let one us know," the first Soldier told him. Then, they left as quickly as they came. Avery walked to the windows and looked out, watching them leave. He heaved a sigh of relief before looking around for Natalia.

"Natalia! Nat, it's safe now!" He quietly called.


Natalia ran over and hopped in through the window. "I made it. So, what did those goons do?"


Claws came out of Natalia's fingertips. She looked at the incoming soldiers. "Good luck getting me, considering how badly you failed last time." She proceeded to run at the soldiers and punched one hard in the face.


Natalia taunted the first soldier. "Is that all you got, pretty boy? Why don't you take your best shot at me?"


Pokémon Champion
The second Soldier swung back with his large knife, but Avery stepped sideways so his swing cut nothing but air. With the swing, the Soldier leaned forward automatically, and Avery quickly used the bottom of the Knife to smack down on the back of the Soldier's head, knocking him out for the time being. He looked up to see how Natalia was doing.

The first Soldier stood back up, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. He glared at her, sneer on his face. "Yeah? And what can a freak of nature do, huh? You worthless piece of-"
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She clawed the side of his face. "That. A freak of nature like me can slash your face open with just the swipe of a claw."

