• IMPORTANT: The Buy/Sell forums are now for reference only; all shops are closed here. Please visit the new Marketplace for active buying and selling. Old sellers can access their previous shop links in these forums for setting up new shops in the Marketplace.

Active Zerro's Item Shop


Youngster Joey
Hello! My name is Zerro and i am here to help you fulfill your item needs! Items i have for sell are as follows!

Masterballs - 10 Credits each

Evolutionary stones (dawn, shiny,moon, fire,etc.) - 25 Credits each

Competitive Battle items (life orb, left overs, assault vest, etc.) 30 credits each

Megastones (all in stock) - 50 Credits Each

I have quite the stock of items though sometimes i may need to stock up of Battle items every so often.


Pokémon Champion
Dex Contributor
Hello! My name is Zerro and i am here to help you fulfill your item needs! Items i have for sell are as follows!

Masterballs - 10 Credits each

Evolutionary stones (dawn, shiny,moon, fire,etc.) - 25 Credits each

Competitive Battle items (life orb, left overs, assault vest, etc.) 30 credits each

Megastones (all in stock) - 50 Credits Each

I have quite the stock of items though sometimes i may need to stock up of Battle items every so often.
Minimum PC for sales is 60 regardless of items or pokemon

