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  • Welcome to the site and team nova we are always up to help newbies become pros just message me if you need any info about the site or pokemon !!!!! Most important rule have fun!

    #Reach for the Stars
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    Reactions: Tanlladwyr
    Thank you!! :D , at the moment I'm just learning the game and building a team, I do have a couple of questions if you don't mind.

    1) Is there a limit on legendaries you can have in a team for competing?

    2) All stores seem to sell level 100 pokemons, I'm looking for a level 1 pokemon (shiny riolu with adamant nature) , any idea how many PCs do I have to get for that?

    That's pretty much it, thanks!!!
    Depends on the legendarys look at the oras official their list under poke gym challenge..... Second checkout my shop its call mastermarshin420 s and jay oras all in one shop!!!! Always glad to help
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