Search results

  1. Marshall_Lee64

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    Hey, I'd like to order 6. Buy 5 get one free, correct ? OT for all : Blue Levels, should I forget to mention it : 100 Ivs: perfect Iv's for all, unless mentionned Kommo-o @ Life Orb EVs: 252 Atk / 4 HP / 252 Def Ability: Overcoat Level: 100 Shiny: No Nature: Adamant Moves: - Dragon Dance -...
  2. Marshall_Lee64

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    Hey, I'd just like 1. Ditto @ Destiny knot Ability: Imposter EVs: 0 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 0 SpA / 0 SpD / 0 Spe Shiny: Yes Adamant Nature - Move1 - Move2 - Move3 - Move4 Pokeball: Ball IV: Perfect 6IVs 250 Right ? Sent it FC : 0576 4446 4163 IGN : Blue
  3. Marshall_Lee64

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    Hey Chaos, 6 more this time :3 Gliscor @ Toxic Orb Ability: Poison Heal Shiny : yes 6iv Male lvl 100 EVs: 244 HP / 8 Def / 200 SpD / 56 Spe Careful Nature - stealth rock - Earthquake - Knock Off - Roost Breloom @ Life Orb Ability: Technician Shiny : yes 6iv Male lvl 100 EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def...
  4. Marshall_Lee64

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    I totally fell asleep. Let me know next time you're up, and sorry. :3
  5. Marshall_Lee64

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    Hey Chaos, 11 today :3 Alakazam @ Alakazite lvl 100 male shiny : yes 6iv Ability: Magic Guard EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Psychic - Focus Blast - Shadow Ball - substitute Scizor @ Scizorite lvl 100 male shiny : yes 6iv Ability: Light Metal EVs: 248 HP / 44 Atk / 16 Def /...
  6. Marshall_Lee64

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    Hey Chaos :3. Just two this time. Gyarados @ Wacan berry Ability: Intimidate Shiny : yes lvl 100 Female 6iv EVs: 252 HP / 52 Atk / 108 Def / 44 SpD / 52 Spe Impish Nature - Waterfall - Taunt - Thunder Wave - Protect Milotic @ Assault vest Ability: Competitive EVs: 236 HP / 140 Def / 132...
  7. Marshall_Lee64

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    Hey Chaos :) I'll take 3 today :3 Manectric @ Manectite Ability: Lightningrod Sex : Male Shiny : Yes Level : 100 IV : Whatever is needed for HP ice :3 EVs: 12 HP / 244 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Volt Switch - Hidden Power Ice - Overheat - Protect Gardevoir @ Choice Scarf Telepathy Timid...
  8. Marshall_Lee64

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    Hey, two today :3 Venusaur @ Venusaurite Ability: Chlorophyll Level 100 Female IVs: 6iv Shiny : yes EVs: 252 HP / 124 Def / 76 SpA / 52 SpD / 4 Speed Bold Nature - Giga Drain - Sludge Bomb - Leech Seed - Protect Suicune @ Garchompite Ability: Pressure Level 100 Shiny : yes IVs : 6iv EVs...
  9. Marshall_Lee64

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    Hey. 5 this time :3 Garchomp @ Focus Sash Lvl 100 Male Shiny : yes IVs : 6iv Ability: Rough Skin EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Dragon Claw - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Protect Aegislash @ Leftovers Lvl 100 Male Shiny : yes IVs : 6iv EVs: 252 HP / 100 SpA / 156 SpD Quiet Nature...
  10. Marshall_Lee64

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    Hey again Chaos :3 I'll get 7 this time :3 Tyranitar @ Tyranitarite Shiny : Yes Sex : Male Lvl : 100 Ability: Sand Stream IV : 6iv EVs: 204 HP / 4 Atk / 60 Def / 4 SpD / 236 Spe Adamant Nature - Dragon Dance - Rock Slide - Crunch - Protect Tyranitar @ Choice Scarf ( This is not a mistake )...
  11. Marshall_Lee64

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    Alright, so it was like this : These 10 : Gengar @ Gengarite timid shadow trap Sex : Male Lvl : 100 6iv shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 44 Def / 32 SpD / 180 Speed shadow ball disable protect perish song Gyarados @ Gyaradosite Adamant Intimidate Sex : Male Lvl : 100 6iv Shiny: yes 4 HP / 252...
  12. Marshall_Lee64

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    God dammit. I deleted the rest when I edited it... There were like 13 Pokemons in there. That's gonna take me a minute or two to redo it.