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  1. Anish

    fav mega

    ooohh my favorite is defineatly MEGA AMPPPPY
  2. Anish

    Favorite shiny?

    totally agree with you :) anyone else?
  3. Anish

    Favorite shiny?

    I loooovvvee shiny swampert and heracross :) Pink is soo fun! reply with your favorite shines
  4. Anish


    Indeed.. But i was thinking, doesn't it look like a beetle standing straight?
  5. Anish


    And what would cause more damage? A giant lizard (t-tar) or a.. what is haxorus...
  6. Anish


    LOL! eq might kill the tyranitar, but what if tyranitar doesnt die and gets a dd up? outrage could kill the haxourus..
  7. Anish


    What would happen if... A tyranitar and a haxurous faced of in real life?