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Search results

  1. Reshikrom

    XY - Ruby & Sapphire?

    All you need to do is deposit Pokemon from X/Y into your bank. Then switch out the cartridge (not required for digital versions,) and withdraw those Pokemon to OR/AS. Hope this helps!
  2. Reshikrom

    Operation: Wonder Trumpet Confirmed

    Well, here in the states, Thanksgiving is a week away. BTW, you had a great idea there. I'd hope for mainly a Palkia, as I do not have Pokemon Pearl.
  3. Reshikrom

    ORSA Mega Wish List

    I hope there's wonder trade in the new games. And hopefully I won't get another Pokemon nicknamed Belieber4Evr, like in Smosh. Yes, I really once got a Pokemon nicknamed Belieber4Evr via Wonder Trade.