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Search results

  1. Lucci

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    I'll take them all shiny unbattle ready please :) 1000 PC correct?
  2. Lucci

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    250 PC each non battle ready 300 PC each battle ready. :) I'll take them all shiny unbattle ready please :) 1000 PC correct?
  3. Lucci

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    Hey can you provide a quote on these. shiny arceus (if possible) shiny darkrai Jirachi Mew