*CST Timezone*
Hello! Welcome to my shop!
You can call me Jake or Better.
Most of my Pokemon have the blue pentagon.
(Meaning it was obtained in Generation 6)
All legit Pokemon.
Super fast trade, reliable, and cheap prices!
I am a trusted seller.
Already Made Pokemon / Events
70PC For Custom Pokemon
60PC For Pre Made Pokemon
60PC For Any Item
60PC For Cloning Each Pokemon
Custom Pokemon Form
(Please copy and paste below and fill
out the words inside the brackets)
<Pokemon Name> Holding <Item>
Caught in a(n) <Pokeball>
Level <Level>
Ability <Ability>
EVs: 0 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 0 SpA / 0 SpD / 0 Spe
<Nature> Nature
Shiny <Yes/No>
IV <IVs>
Nickname <Nickname>
(If you don't want it to have a nickname then
don't include nickname in comment)
I am available from Noon to Midnight everyday.
If this does not work for you then please tell me.
*FC 1521 - 4592 - 1262*
My IGN is Billy for ORAS and Jake for Nintendo ID.
Go ahead and add me if you haven't already.
Thank you for stopping by! ^o^
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