• IMPORTANT: The Buy/Sell forums are now for reference only; all shops are closed here. Please visit the new Marketplace for active buying and selling. Old sellers can access their previous shop links in these forums for setting up new shops in the Marketplace.

Everything a member needs to know about BW!


Pokémon Master
Hey guys! I'm jiggly, the leader of Team Black Winter! Some people have been asking me questions about the team, and this should answer most of them!

For those of you interested in getting your black team winter banner under your name, go to the following link, and select "display this banner" (may not work on mobile)

Many of you have expressed you need of help in battling, we have a skype group in which we can help you build teams, talk strategy, or just chat. I'm almost always by my phone, and easily reached through skype. For info on how to join, please visit here:

We as a team try to do our best, and try to help our team members. Donations are greatly accepted to help the team. PC is used for helping poor members enter tournies, and pokemon are used to sell in our team shop. If you want to donate to the team, please visit this thread:

Our team has a shop that was set up, and anyone is allowed to buy pokemon, all proceeds help the team. Those of you who are on the team, receive a 50% off discount.

Please feel free to leave all other questions below!


Pokémon Trainer
Team Elite
Also 50% off for all team BW members in my shops aswell, I will add that update once I get a mouse because the trackpad on this laptop is annoying.

