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Youngster Joey
Hello, I'm Guardian, or at least that's my ign, or at least for everything nintendo besides Pokemon sun. My ign for Pokemon sun is "Guardian X". Of course I'm not going to reveal my real name. I'm kind of new to Pokemon considering the first Pokemon Game I've played is Pokemon omega ruby. I've also played Pokken and most recently, Pokemon Sun! This is the first Pokemon game I get to play with my brother, "Warrior X" (once again it's the ign). Although he didn't play it much and now I've finished the post game and he's still on the first island. LOL. I've never really have been fond of competitive battles, but I'm really fond of friend vs friend battles. This is why I'm here. Despite the fact that I'm kind of new to Pokemon, I'm an extremely quick learner and can devise extremely powerful teams. Although a lot of them are not competitive. Although, I don't have the time, or attention span or patience, to create Pokemon with the specific IV's and EV's that I want. I will be posting more stuff in the future, so for those who are seeing this, have a good day and bye.

