• IMPORTANT: The Buy/Sell forums are now for reference only; all shops are closed here. Please visit the new Marketplace for active buying and selling. Old sellers can access their previous shop links in these forums for setting up new shops in the Marketplace.

Why Hello There


Youngster Joey
Hello there, my name is Ivan. Currently a college student from Las Vegas. I recently decided I wanted to start playing pokemon competitively again. I played a lot during 4th Gen and stopped during 5th, because I wasn't to big of a fan of it. I've been playing 6th gen on and off, but decided I was going to come to stay now. I'm mostly a Pokemon TCG player so if anyone else happens to play on TCGO hit me up for some games.

As for some other stuff about me. I play competitive Super Smash Bros 4, was ranked 10 in Las Vegas, and main Rob. I hope to have a good time with all of you here :D .


It's nice to have a TCG player. We have a few on this site i think. Welcome to the site!

Here are our rules, in case you haven't seen them yet.

Anytime you need help, you can ask the shoutbox, or one of the staff members. They will always be willing to help and are generally positive about things.

I hope you have a nice time with us at Perfect Pokemon!


Scare Queen
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Wt up dou im one of dose staff members stated above :p welcome to da site if ya got any questions feel free to ask and be sure to read the rules krel alrdy threw ya the link

