Poké Credits Explained

Everything you need to know about Poké Credits, and how they work.
What are Poké Credits?
Why should i use them?
How do they work?
Where do I get them?
How do I transfer Poke Credits?
How do I sell using Poke Credits?
How do I buy using Poke Credits?
How do I turn my Poke Credits to cash?

What are Poké Credits?

Poke Credits (aka PC, Credits) are the currency used in the Perfect Pokemon community to buy and bid on, in-game Pokemon ORAS items and rare Pokemon.

Why should i use them?

In addition to being able to turn them to cash deposited to a Paypal account of your choosing, Poke Credits come close to eliminating all Pokemon ORAS in game scamming. Conducting a credit transfer before an in game trade allows moderators to review transactions, when necessary, and refund credits or take disciplinary actions against violators.

How do they work?

After a transfer of credits, each party follow up by adding 3DS friend codes and conducting the agreed upon transfer. For more on community transactions see here.

Where do I get them?

You earn Poke Credits through various community actions, such as registrations, fully completing your user profile, likes, earning followers, leaving feedback and much more. You can also purchase Poke Credits: Here

How to transfer Poke Credits?

To transfer credits to another community member, click the credits tab (upper right) then click the 'transfer' link the the left sidebar of the page. Then enter the receiver's name, the amount of credits you would like to transfer and any notes regarding the transfer. Click the 'Do Transfer' button. Note: You can also conduct transfer in a similar fashion, from the drop down that appears when you hover over the credits tab.

How do I sell using Poke Credits?

Create a shop in the PerfectPokemon Marketplace. List the item or Pokémon you would like to sell and your asking price. All sales must be conducted in credits (PC). After finding a buyer, conduct the community transfer of credits first, and then follow up with the in-game transaction. When necessary, remember to mark your item or Pokémon as SOLD after completing a transaction.

How do I buy using Poke Credits?

Find an item or Pokemon you would like to buy. Respond to the thread and wait for the seller’s confirmation before transferring credits. Add the seller’s code and conduct the in-game transfer.

How do I turn my Poke Credits to cash?

Submit a ticket, to the 'Request a Payout' department, by clicking the 'Tickets' tab in the website's menu. We will cash in your Poke Credits in increments of ¤1,200. At a rate of 8 USDs per ¤1,200 Poke Credits, via paypal transfer. *Note - Allow Staff up to 48 hours to respond to Paypal requests.

When cashing out credits accumulated entirely or partially through the sale of real life merchandise, you MUST report these sales in your payout request. Your report must include a tracking number for any items shipped. Payouts including sales of this kind can only be processed 48 hours after items shipped are marked as delivered.

  • Published
    Dec 7, 2013
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