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  • IMPORTANT: The Buy/Sell forums are now for reference only; all shops are closed here. Please visit the new Marketplace for active buying and selling. Old sellers can access their previous shop links in these forums for setting up new shops in the Marketplace.


  1. AzKai

    I hurd u lyk Gen4?

    A basic casting call for those still in love with and actively playing / buying or selling Pokemon for Gen4! I'm stuck on Gen4. By stuck, I mean it's the last Gen I can look at without throwing my DS into the wall. [I have a distaste for geometric shapes and Pokemon made out of inorganic...
  2. AzKai

    New Breeder!

    Yo Pokefans! My 'pen name' is AzKai but please, call me Kai. I've had a Pokemon game in my hand since the day Red and Blue released in NA in 1998. Yeah--that means I'm old as sh*t. I play Gen4 games with SoulSilver (NA) as my main. I can't stomach the sight of these geometric shapes they're...