BassoTara's Genning Service
IGN: Basso
FC: 0361-9334-9911
Hi guys! New user here trying to get into this world to help the community find what they need. I've been selling Pokémon on Reddit lately and had a lot of happy customers! I offer a fast and affordable service, and I'll try to be available as much as possible to quickly reply to your requests.
Timezone: GMT +1
Status: Offline
I can gen every Pokémon and every item obtainable in game (S&M). Please, make sure your request is actually obtainable before posting. Here is a list of currently unobtainable Pokémon.IGN: Basso
FC: 0361-9334-9911
Hi guys! New user here trying to get into this world to help the community find what they need. I've been selling Pokémon on Reddit lately and had a lot of happy customers! I offer a fast and affordable service, and I'll try to be available as much as possible to quickly reply to your requests.
Timezone: GMT +1
Status: Offline
I strongly suggest you use Pokémon Showdown to format your requests. To do this, you need to create a team and insert the format you want to play in, then add all the Pokémon you want. The Team Builder also has an option the check if your Pokémon are valid. I'll certainly check it before genning, but a little help from the Team Builder is always appreciated. After you've created your team, you should click on Import/Export and Copy-Paste it here. You can add Pokéball and OT either at the beginning or at the end copy-paste.
The format should look like this example:
Kartana @ Assault Vest
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 116 HP / 4 Atk / 4 Def / 132 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Smart Strike
- Sacred Sword
- Night Slash
Pokéball: Beast Ball
OT: Basso
If you don't specify the OT, I'll gen you Pokémon with one of my OTs and TIDs. If you want your Pokémon to have your own OT, TID and SID you'll need to trade me a junkmon before I actually start to gen your Pokémon, so I can extract and use all your trainer information.
If you want, you can place orders while I'm offline. I'll try to manage them as soon as possible (usually during the same day, but I can't guarantee that).
So here is the list of what you can get, including prices. Due to the community rules, the minimum price bust be 60 PC. However, there will be offers based on the amount of purchases you want to do.
First-time customers will get one Pokémon of their choice for free!
If you leave a feedback you can ask for another free Pokémon of your choice!
Returning customers will have a discount based on their previous orders!
Items - 60 PC Each, every 2 you get 1 more for free!
If you want to request an item, just give me its english name. I'll send it to you as soon as possible attached to a junkmon.
Pokémon Clones - 60 PC Each, every 3 you get 1 more for free
This consists in having your Pokémon cloned without being edited. Just send me your Pokémon and be ready to send me a junk Pokémon to receive both the original Pokémon and his clone back.
Pokémon Edits - 60 PC Each, every 4 you get 1 more for free
This consists in having your Pokémon edited with the characteristics you want. Includes item.
Genned Pokémon - 60 PC Each, every 5 you get 1 more for free
This consists in genning a new Pokémon with the characteristics you want. Includes items.
Premade Team - 250 PC
You can choose between this list of teams made by VGC players (a little poor section cause it's still under construction):
- Gavin Michael's Trick Room
- Aaron Zheng's Double Duck
- My Double Duck Team as of January 4th 2017
- My Double Duck Team as of January 13th 2017
- Sejun Park's Tapu Fini Team
- SweetKarmaVGC's Magnezone Team
- RandomVGC's Big 6
- RandomVGC's Grassy Team
- DavidLovesMaths' London IC Team
- TManVGC's Double Duck
- Wolfe Glick's London IC Team
- Szymoninho's Surge Offense
This includes a japanes shiny 6iv Ditto for each non-neutral nature. Dittos with natures that decrease speed will have 0IVs on Speed. Half of them will be holding Destiny Knots, while the other half will be holding Everstones. If requested, they can be customized a little (note that if you want a different item on them you'll still have to pay the item cost)
Synchronize Pack - 1000 PC
A level 100 Synchronize Pokémon for each possible nature, useful if you want to catch Pokémon (especially legendaries) with a particular nature. All of them will be holding a Master Ball.
Pokémon Touch Trades - 60 PC Each, every 2 you get 1 more for free!
I can trade a Pokémon to you to in order to help you complete your Pokédex, but I need to have it back immediately.
So, if you've read all of this, you can now submit your requests. I'll try to manage them as soon as possible. I'll inform you when I accept your request. Once a request is accepted, you'll need to wait max 30 mins for it to be processed. Once I'll be ready to trade, I'll reply to your post. After I give you your Pokémon, you can and should make sure they're exactly what you requested and you should check if the game lets you play them online
Have fun!
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