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Search results

  1. JoyLovesSylveon

    Opinion on demo?

    i know this is kind of late but I got the demo 2 days ago and I finished it. To be honest, I don't really like the art in it. The mountains look just like they did in ss/hg. Each rise is separated instead of connected like in gen 5 and beyond. I known ts supose to be a recreation and they did it...
  2. JoyLovesSylveon

    Alpha Sapphire VS Omega Ruby

    This is really hard. I have SoulSilver, so i got groudon, and now i guess i have this "special connection" to groudon over kyogre. But kyogre is just so cool! i cant wait for the games to come out, but i really need help with what game to pick. @SabrinaLovesEevee will probably get the opposite...