When can you battle?


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
So, I absolutely love the BR system so far. There's a lot to like and it's relatively easy to figure out. However, there's one thing lacking. As of right now, it's really tough to find a battle. It's tough to catch the queued people while they are available and this leads to the really low number of battles overall.

To fix this however, I'd like to create a thread where after you queue you can post on said thread with times you know you'll be available to battle. As this is currently unofficial, it wouldn't be required, but I truly believe it will help people know who to challenge.

Anyway, I'll kick things off (even though there are so few NFE players haha).

Friday April 22: 8 AM EST to 2 PM EST.
Monday-Wednesday April 25 - April 29: 5 PM EST to 11 PM EST.
Out for a while.

I'd like to implement some kind of battle day in the future. Keep checking back to see possible dates.
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