Recent content by CliffyAxis

  1. CliffyAxis

    Wonder trade Starting now! [Closed]

    Its over :P ill close this thread
  2. CliffyAxis

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Bug Gym- Issue Challenge Here [Interim Gym]

    I would like to get this badge, are you available?
  3. CliffyAxis

    Wonder trade Starting now! [Closed]

    Wondertrading shiny legends 6iv and more pokemon i don't use ! get ready
  4. CliffyAxis

    Favorite shiny?

    Shiny mega gengar and greninja
  5. CliffyAxis

    Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!

    Shiny hoopa is untradable and unobtainable right now,check out this list of unobtainable shiny pokemons:
  6. CliffyAxis

    Wondertrading shinies starting now! DISCOUNTINUED

    Go to wonder trade and wonder to get one of them!