Recent content by JayMac

  1. JayMac

    New Moves, Abilities, New Mega Updates

    its sounds pretty awesome
  2. JayMac

    Recent Mega Images and Primal Form News!

    i agree it is crazy overpowered
  3. JayMac

    Opinion on demo?

    its rough around the edges but it sets you up for the full and plus theres the megas that can transfered
  4. JayMac

    Can i battle against...

    you can trade practically anything except certain specific items
  5. JayMac

    Mega Sableye

    its mega is a little random and it is hard to use although dark and ghost dont have any super weaknesses
  6. JayMac

    Primal Kyogre

    not my favorite but he's not the worst either
  7. JayMac

    Mega Rayquazza!

    i agree with ya pokeblasterX
  8. JayMac

    what mega?

    mega gallade
  9. JayMac

    Fav legendary

  10. JayMac

    fav feature

    mega evolutions
  11. JayMac

    fav mega

    mega ampharos