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Search results

  1. urban1ninja

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leaders: Earn Your Badge

    hey, just finished my 10th match. ive won 7 out of 10 = 70% win ratio. May I please have my badge? I am the ground gym leader.
  2. urban1ninja

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Grass Gym-Issue Challenge Here [Closed will reopen soon]

    I challenge you! Ive already added your FC, mine is in my signature
  3. urban1ninja

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Bug Gym- Issue Challenge Here [Interim Gym]

    I challenge you, hopefully for the last time, third times the charm right :)
  4. urban1ninja

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Bug Gym- Issue Challenge Here [Interim Gym]

    I challenge you again!, not gonna make the a dumb mistake this time lol