• IMPORTANT: The Buy/Sell forums are now for reference only; all shops are closed here. Please visit the new Marketplace for active buying and selling. Old sellers can access their previous shop links in these forums for setting up new shops in the Marketplace.


  1. MadameLucario

    Hey there! I'm MadameLucario!

    Hello everyone! My name is MadameLucario and I recently stumbled onto this interesting Web page. I'very been see aching high and low for some Volcanion because well... let's just say that I flubbed up on not redeeming my 3 event cards on time because of personal reasons in my life so yeah... if...
  2. Guillermo

    Hey there

    Hi! I'm Guillermo. Basically, Pokemon has been like a life companion for me. I have at least one game per generation. Lately with ORAS i have realized i love online bsttles and built a pretty strong team. I found out about this page by looking where to trade pokemon and avoid scams. Thrilled...
  3. Zackeryzoo

    Hi Everyone

    Hello Everyone, I have just joined and was wondering where I could buy PC or Have I Gotta earn it?