
  1. T

    Treecko Wanted

    Just looking for a Treecko, preferably with Overgrow. Honestly, it doesn't really matter that much. I'd just rather not restart my game to get it.
  2. R

    LF LF: Shiny Torchic and Shiny Treecko

    Hey guys, So I'm looking for a shiny treecko and shiny torchic between the levels of 1-10 on ORAS :) In return, I will trade you any legendary (shiny or un shiny)
  3. T

    Closed Treecko

    Looking for a Treecko, any stats or nature, just want it to complete my pokedex :) Can offer a Mudkip or Torchik in return. (Low lvl cause I'd have to breed it). Or I can catch/breed pretty much any other pokemon from AS to trade except legendaries. Not much to offer I know, but hoping someone...