Ash Cap Pikachu Comes to US!


Youngster Joey

From Serebii:

"The Cap Pikachu have been confirmed to be coming to the west. Starting September 19th, the Cap Pikachu will be available through special Serial Code on the official site. Players can only receive one of the six with the code so you will have to choose carefully which one you want:

· September 19–25: Ash's Pikachu (Original Cap)
· September 26 – October 2: Ash's Pikachu (Hoenn Cap)
· October 3–9: Ash's Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)
· October 10–16: Ash's Pikachu (Unova Cap)
· October 17–23: Ash's Pikachu (Kalos Cap)
· October 24–30: Ash's Pikachu (Alola Cap)

These Pikachu are said to have different moves based on Pikachu's learnset in each saga, meaning they will likely match the Pikachu distributed in Japan earlier this year. In addition to this, details on the movie have come out and confirm that if you go see the movie through the special showings around the world, you'll receive a QR Code for the I Choose You Cap Pikachu to be redeemed in Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon."

So what do you think? Which one will you be getting? Are you going to see the movie? I plan to!​

