• IMPORTANT: The Buy/Sell forums are now for reference only; all shops are closed here. Please visit the new Marketplace for active buying and selling. Old sellers can access their previous shop links in these forums for setting up new shops in the Marketplace.

Closed Rommulox's Little Shop of Horrors - Closed


Pokémon Master
Team Elite
Trusted Seller
On the top right of your screen, there should be a tab that says credits. If you hover over it, a menu will display. Click on the option that says Transfer. When the next screen pops up, put my name as the "Receiver" and put the amount of credits you're giving me in the credits box. For note, you usually put what you're trading for. In this case, Scizorite. Then voila, click on transfer and I should get the credits. :D


Pokémon Trainer
Trusted Seller
On the top right of your screen, there should be a tab that says credits. If you hover over it, a menu will display. Click on the option that says Transfer. When the next screen pops up, put my name as the "Receiver" and put the amount of credits you're giving me in the credits box. For note, you usually put what you're trading for. In this case, Scizorite. Then voila, click on transfer and I should get the credits. :D
Thank you :)

