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Active Selling Hidden Ability Pokemons


Pokémon Trainer
20 Pc for one or exchange HA Mons.
Thoose i have Avilable at the momment are

Garchamp (Gible)
Ninetails (Vulpix)
Skitty (Delcatty)
Lopunny (Buneary)
Houndoom (Houndour)
Lucario (Riolu)
Gliscor (Gligar)

I'm only giving Females so you can breed them easily yourself.
As a Bonus if you buy two pokemons you get the Mythical Pokemon Phione for free!

This link will take you to my Event / Legendarie Shop, Feel free to check it out! :)
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Pokémon Champion
20 Pc for one or a Hidden Ability Pokemon!
Thoose i have Avilable at the momment are

Garchamp (Gible)
Ninetails (Vulpix)
Skitty (Delcatty)
Lopunny (Buneary)
Houndoom (Houndour)
Lucario (Riolu)
Gliscor (Gligar)

I'm only giving Females so you can breed them easily yourself.
As a Bonus if you buy two pokemons you get the Mythical Pokemon Phione for free!

1st please don't double post

2nd what if we just want phione but not anything else up there cause we've already bred them ourselves.


Pokémon Trainer
1st please don't double post

2nd what if we just want phione but not anything else up there cause we've already bred them ourselves.
I didnt mean to double post. This is an old post anyways. But if you just want the Phione i have another thread where i sell event mons and Legendaries if you're interested in the Phione and that only. I've edited the post whit a link in it.


Pokémon Champion
I didnt mean to double post. This is an old post anyways. But if you just want the Phione i have another thread where i sell event mons and Legendaries if you're interested in the Phione and that only.

Ok I'll check it out. Thank u.

