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Closed Buying the following pokemon


Youngster Joey
As the title says, i wanna buy these kb pokemon

1) 5iv shiny elekid, adamant, static, male
2) 5iv shiny furfou, adamant, fur coat, male
3) 5iv shiny torchic, adamant, speed boost, male
4) 6iv shiny gligar, impish, immunity, male
5) 6iv shiny vulpix, timid, drought, female

Offering 100pc each
It would be great if it comes with egg moves

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Fire Starter
As the title says, i wanna buy these pokemon

1) 5iv shiny elekid, adamant, static, male
2) 5iv shiny furfou, adamant, fur coat, male
3) 5iv shiny torchic, adamant, speed boost, male
4) 6iv shiny gligar, impish, immunity, male
5) 6iv shiny vulpix, timid, drought, female

Offering 100pc each
It would be great if it comes with egg moves

i have a motordrive 6iv shiny adamant electivire with egg moves and KB, i'd sell it for 300pc

