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  • Pokémon: <Weavile>
    Gender: F
    Shiny: <Yes>
    Level: <100>
    Nature: <Jolly>
    Item: <Life Orb>
    Ability: <Pickpocket>
    Nationality: ENG
    IV Spread: <Perfect>
    EV Spread: <4HP/ 252spATK/ 252Speed>
    Move 1: <Ice Shard>
    Move 2: <Ice Punch>
    Move 3: <Knock Off>
    Move 4: <Low Kick>
    Pokémon: <Togekiss>
    Gender: F
    Shiny: <Yes>
    Level: <100>
    Nature: <Bold>
    Item: <Shell Bell>
    Ability: <Serene Grace>
    Nationality: ENG
    IV Spread: <Perfect>
    EV Spread: <252HP/ 252DEF/ 8Speed>
    Move 1: <Airslash>
    Move 2: <Thunderwave>
    Move 3: <Defog>
    Move 4: <Roost>
    Pokémon: <Magnezone>
    Gender: N/A
    Shiny: <Yes>
    Level: <100>
    Nature: <Timid>
    Item: <Choice Scarf>
    Ability: <Magnet Pull>
    Nationality: ENG
    IV Spread: <Perfect except IV for HPfire>
    EV Spread: <4HP/ 252spATK/ 252Speed>
    Move 1: <Thunderbolt>
    Move 2: <Flash Cannon>
    Move 3: <HPfire>
    Move 4: <Volt Switch>
    Haha you know you could have posted it on my store right to save you time :p
    Part 3

    Pokémon: <Venusaur>
    Gender: M
    Shiny: <Yes>
    Level: <100>
    Nature: <Modest>
    Item: <Venusaurite>
    Ability: <Overgrow/Thickfat>
    Nationality: ENG
    IV Spread: <Perfect>
    EV Spread: <252HP/ 252spATK/ 8Speed>
    Move 1: <Synthesis>
    Move 2: <Sludgebomb>
    Move 3: <Sleep Powder>
    Move 4: <Gigadrain>
    Part 2

    Pokémon: <Vaporeon>
    Gender: F
    Shiny: <Yes>
    Level: <100>
    Nature: <Calm>
    Item: <Leftovers>
    Ability: <Water Absorb>
    Nationality: ENG
    IV Spread: <Perfect>
    EV Spread: <252HP/ 4spATK/ 252spDef>
    Move 1: <Wish>
    Move 2: <Scald>
    Move 3: <Protect>
    Move 4: <Heal Bell>
    No Nicknames, All Pokemon in STANDARD Pokeballs, Pokerus doesn't matter if you can, yes.

    Pokémon: <Garchomp>
    Gender: M
    Shiny: <Yes>
    Level: <100>
    Nature: <Impish>
    Item: <Rocky Helmet>
    Ability: <Rough Skin>
    Nationality: ENG
    IV Spread: <Perfect>
    EV Spread: <252HP/ 4ATK/ 252Def>
    Move 1: <Earthquake>
    Move 2: <Dragon Claw>
    Move 3: <Roar>
    Move 4: <Stealth Rocks>
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