Recent content by buckembarnes

  1. buckembarnes

    Closed Bucky's Breedables (LEGIT Comps, BR, Shinies, Dittos, & More)

    I believe the total is 1850 PC! What natures would you like for the comps?
  2. buckembarnes

    Closed Bucky's Breedables (LEGIT Comps, BR, Shinies, Dittos, & More)

    Open, but slow due to school. As always, quicker to respond on Discord!
  3. buckembarnes

    Closed Bucky's Breedables (LEGIT Comps, BR, Shinies, Dittos, & More)

    Ones you can only get in events, like Keldeo or Shaymin, are very difficult to obtain and I currently have no way to get them. I'd be able to RNG shiny Zygarde easily, as it's currently an event going on, but other shiny legendaries are hard to RNG and will probably carry a decent price tag.
  4. buckembarnes

    Closed Bucky's Breedables (LEGIT Comps, BR, Shinies, Dittos, & More)

    Yeah, I could, depending on specifics.
  5. buckembarnes

    Closed Bucky's Breedables (LEGIT Comps, BR, Shinies, Dittos, & More)

    I don't actually have these Pokemon in Pokeballs. I mostly collect rareball Pokemon. If it doesn't matter to you which Ball they're in, I can do all these except Ash-Greninja (which is exclusive to the demo, has set IVs and cannot be shiny).
  6. buckembarnes

    Closed Bucky's Breedables (LEGIT Comps, BR, Shinies, Dittos, & More)

    Sorry, I only deal in legitimate Pokemon!
  7. buckembarnes

    Closed Bucky's Breedables (LEGIT Comps, BR, Shinies, Dittos, & More)

    @phoenixking03 That'll be 150 PC! I've sent proof of your Ditto in a PM. Let me know what times you're available to trade. For a quicker reply, feel free to hit me up on Discord!
  8. buckembarnes

    Closed Bucky's Breedables (LEGIT Comps, BR, Shinies, Dittos, & More)

    Depends on what they are! Most I value about 60 PC a piece, though GRI are probably a little more!
  9. buckembarnes

    Closed Bucky's Breedables (LEGIT Comps, BR, Shinies, Dittos, & More)

    @TheMegaSunkern Hey, sorry for the late reply! I'll get started on your order now! I believe the total comes to 870 PC! I'll let you know when I'm ready!