Recent content by Daigusto_Ultimo

  1. Daigusto_Ultimo

    New to the site, Veteran to the games.

    busy between kids, work, and school, but yeah, I am playing S/V and am still breeding 6 perfect pokemon.
  2. Daigusto_Ultimo

    New to the site, Veteran to the games.

    Thank you for the rewelcome.
  3. Daigusto_Ultimo

    New to the site, Veteran to the games.

    Just getting back to the site, haven't been here in a while and happy to see it back up.
  4. Daigusto_Ultimo

    Active Deleted*

  5. Daigusto_Ultimo

    Active Deleted*

  6. Daigusto_Ultimo

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Fire Gym - Issue challenge here

    That's fine,my gym runs doubles,most singles. Send me a message with your fc, hay is going down smoothly
  7. Daigusto_Ultimo

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Fire Gym - Issue challenge here

    Also remember that filling your team with pokemon exclusively built with strong stab moves against the gyms exclusive type is also against the rules
  8. Daigusto_Ultimo

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Fire Gym - Issue challenge here

    Cool,let me finish off the elite4 real fast for the second time
  9. Daigusto_Ultimo

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Fire Gym - Issue challenge here

    At the moment I'm open availability (for the most part)
  10. Daigusto_Ultimo

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Fire Gym - Issue challenge here

    I gladly accept and am able to battle at the moment