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Recent content by Niqyue
Is Palworld Pushing Pokémon to Evolve
I think what Palworld proves to the pokemon company that a more mature version of their games and IP could/should be a huge success. Which doesn't necessarily need to be a main series game, they could go the route of spin-offs or mobile games and have the game(s) have a target audience of 13+ -
Aye whats good yall?! I'm still in NYC, got a steady job and I have two kids but got to come back for the nostalgia- Niqyue
- Post #3
- Forum: General Chat
Permanently Closed (Previous Season) PokéGym Challenge: Activity Tracking
@Cheza you can officially put me down as water gym leader now i have my gym ready :D- Niqyue
- Post #34
- Forum: First Season - Gym Challenge
Pokemon Coordinators - UNITE!
I have Beauty, i am Cool, i am Cute. and tough ;)- Niqyue
- Post #11
- Forum: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Pokemon Coordinators - UNITE!
As you may all already know i am the most fabulous person you will ever see or hear of. So i will be winning every contest ever because i am too Fab too handle. That is all.- Niqyue
- Post #9
- Forum: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
PP Team Aqua vs Magma
I want to be the most powerful lowly Grunt Of Team Aqua.- Niqyue
- Post #10
- Forum: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
October CoroCoro Reveals
- Post #12
- Forum: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Psychic Gym - Issue challenge here (Open)
i challenge thee- Niqyue
- Post #228
- Forum: First Season - Gym Challenge
Mega Audino and Slowbro join ORAS!
The sadness is real.- Niqyue
- Post #18
- Forum: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Mega Audino and Slowbro join ORAS!
If they give us a mega pikachu instead of raichu because of the anime i will be so pissed. -.- Raichu never gets any love from GF.- Niqyue
- Post #13
- Forum: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
ORSA Mega Wish List
Mega Metagross with Heatproof would be more likely Imo and would be just as OP If they did that mega pokemon wouldnt be as special. Tauros would make for an amazing Mega, increased attack, defense and speed possibly fur coat or moxie? :D Maybe even a secondary typing making it Normal/Ground- Niqyue
- Post #11
- Forum: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire?
Sapphire because i'm an alpha.- Niqyue
- Post #4
- Forum: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet