Recent content by OG34

  1. OG34

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) PokéGym Challenge - Guidelines

    ok I'm not sure so I'm gonna ask. Is Arceus banned from being used by the gym leader? or is it ok? to make it simple are those pokemon on the ban list banned from being used by the gym leader?
  2. OG34

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leader Application

    One Question I do have and to clear things up. Are megas considered uber or would lets say for Grass be able to have Mega Venasaur and Shaymin or one or the other only?
  3. OG34

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leader Application

    ^^ ahh you beat me to it. I saw that one was open. its cool though I might challenge you for it in the future. For now I would like to apply to be the Gym Leader for the Grass Type.
  4. OG34

    Suggestions Thread?

    That gym leader idea is great. I'd love to get a chance to be one, of course after I prove myself somehow.
  5. OG34

    Rate My Team VGC

    what made you go for the spinda?
  6. OG34

    Closed Cheap 5iv Pokemon

    thanks again man.
  7. OG34

    Closed Cheap 5iv Pokemon

    iight ill be on. IGN Mano. u boutta be on?
  8. OG34

    Closed Cheap 5iv Pokemon

    thats cool man ill just wait til tomorrow.
  9. OG34

    Closed Cheap 5iv Pokemon

    iight just let me know when you ready
  10. OG34

    Closed Cheap 5iv Pokemon

    cool just transferred you the PC. you gonna be online later?
  11. OG34

    Closed Cheap 5iv Pokemon

    Hey i'll take an Aegislash and Horsea. 125pc, correct?
  12. OG34

    Open LF 6 vs 6 singles

    great battle man. That stone edge miss was crucial. If I didnt survive that surf from greninja battle might of been different.
  13. OG34

    Open LF 6 vs 6 singles

    i dont think u have me registered yet. I thought i had you but i just added you My FC is on the first post
  14. OG34

    Open LF 6 vs 6 singles

    ill be on if you see me first IGN Mano
  15. OG34

    Open LF 6 vs 6 singles

    bet ill get on now. I forgot your ign. u ready now?