Recent content by Shooting_Quasar_Ditto

  1. Shooting_Quasar_Ditto

    Active 70+ Pokemon For Sale! Battle Ready, 6,5,4,3 IVs!

    İs skarmory 6iv if so can u post it's evs and moves set
  2. Shooting_Quasar_Ditto

    Team building help

  3. Shooting_Quasar_Ditto

    Team XIT - Member Check In

    well if i can make it from my existing pokemons that's okay. i got tyrnitar, blaziken, metagros, latias, latios, gengar, aegislash, gliscor, tyrannitar, greninja, kangaskhan, landorus ready to battle btw i didn't bother writing banned legendries
  4. Shooting_Quasar_Ditto

    Team building help

    can anyone help me too ?
  5. Shooting_Quasar_Ditto

    Team XIT - Member Check In

    Can anyone help me form a 6 pokemon team ?
  6. Shooting_Quasar_Ditto

    6v6 prize battles

    w8 what happens in vgc i mesn the list
  7. Shooting_Quasar_Ditto

    Tournament: "Let It Be Written"

    i don't get it which pokemon are allowed ?
  8. Shooting_Quasar_Ditto

    Active Perfect Pokebank Legendaries+ Only 550 A Piece w/Added Bonus!

    fc is 3351-4183-1091 ign is ditto when can u trade ?