I’ve been doing well! I’ve finally gotten all the legendaries that I can catch in both versions of Sun and Moon. I’m thinking on trying Out the Battle tree, but After 10 rounds I realized that maybe the team I’ve had on my adventure would most likely not be the best suited for trying on the Battle Tree. ^.^’’
I’ve also almost completed my Alolan Pokédex in both versions, but Im still missing Weavile. And for the life of me I CANNOT steal any razor claws from any wild Kommo-o evolution line. It’s been a huge pain trying to get some....
Wow good job! I easily got through the battle tree up to the Red with a Minior (of course competitively bred) - moveset shell smash, stone edge, earthquake, acrobatics and Alolan Ninetales with HA and moves blizzard, moonblast, toxic, hex....didnt even have to use my arcanine ...but they were a bit over leveled ..not on lvl 100 but still over 70 ...also Mimikyu is really great for battle tree
And did you try having Butterfree with compoundous eyes in front? You can also get free razor claw from a scientist guy on Ula'ula if you have enough TMs :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wlUABH8tbE
Well yeah, I know that you can get a FREE razor claw in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, but I’m talking about my original Sun and Moon versions.
Actually, that does make me want to ask a question. If you own a razor claw, (at least one) does that mean you have a chance of getting one at Poke Pelago?
Like, will you get a chance of finding one if you send a search party to go dig for a certain Item group? I was just wondering, cause I’m pretty sure that once you own at least one type of evolution stone (I.e. fire stone or moon stone) you gain the ability to have a chance of finding some at Poke Pelago.
O dont really know about that. I dont think I ever got razor claw before there :/ Anyway why dont you give something rare and ask for weavile? Thats also a way to go...and Im sure there is one free razor claw in game and then you might be able to buy it at battle tree.
Maybe. I’d also rather just evolve a sneasel myself. By the by yesterday I ran into a wild Shiny Remoraid! But do to some stupid Shenanigans, I lost my chance at catching it. Really makes me feel sucky.