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  1. Dead_Red

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Electric Gym - Issue Challenges Here (Open!)

    Hey Rektum id like to challenge you. This sunday should be good for me.
  2. Dead_Red

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leader Application

    Hi. I'd like to apply for the bug gym as of now since it is now available due to NexusPlaysPokemon becoming the new fire gym leader. Thanks for your time.
  3. Dead_Red

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Elite 4 (cj-97) Doubles- Issue Challenges here!

    CJ you might have beaten my gym but you sure as hell aren't going to beat me next time! Just wait till i get the badges. I'm going to REK you using the power of Salt.
  4. Dead_Red

    ORAS competitve battling strategies and team building

    well i realize put this in the wrong topic so sorry my bad (-_- #)
  5. Dead_Red

    ORAS competitve battling strategies and team building

    Hey guys it's Red. I've been having trouble beating people in wifi battles and i need some help. I can kinda put a team together and i can somewhat predict someones move but i need lots of help if you dont mind. Thanks just leave your comments below.
  6. Dead_Red

    Favorite shiny?

    Shiny Giratina all the way. Looks more ghost like in its shiny form.