Search results

  1. talesfer

    Active 70+ Pokemon For Sale! Battle Ready, 6,5,4,3 IVs!

    how much for the Jirachi?
  2. talesfer

    Active LF Moltres and Articuno

    No problem, lol. Thank you, anyway!
  3. talesfer

    Active LF Moltres and Articuno

    My FC is 0232-9370-6485, ign talesfer
  4. talesfer

    Active LF Moltres and Articuno

    I give some credits.... Just let me know how much you want.
  5. talesfer

    Sold LF Non Shiny Mew

  6. talesfer

    Sold LF Non Shiny Mew

    Okay, mine is 0232 - 9370 - 6485 ign is talesfer
  7. talesfer

    Sold LF Non Shiny Mew

  8. talesfer

    Active Selling Perfect Pokebank Legedaries!

    Is that Mew one shiny?
  9. talesfer

    Active Selling Perfect Pokebank Legedaries!

    Which of them do you still have?
  10. talesfer

    How did you find Perfect Pokemon?

    Just... googling. I just bought 1000C. This is super cool. ;)
  11. talesfer

    Sold LF Non Shiny Mew

    800 credits. Anyone?