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  1. Matt_192

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) PerfectPokemon Elite Four

    PERFECT POKEMON ELITE FOUR For the next 4 Official Tournaments (Power Play 1-4), the winner will have the opportunity to become part of our new Perfect Pokemon Elite Four team. These tournaments have also been brought within one week of each other, so here are the dates you need to know! 5th...
  2. Matt_192

    Pokemon Random Emerald Story Chesslocke!

    Hello and welcome to my chesslocke (a variant of the standard nuzlocke) of Pokemon Random Emerald! I have randomised the ROM just now myself, changing the starter Pokemon, trainer Pokemon as well as the wild Pokemon, so I really don't know what to expect :p The rules of the Chesslocke are...
  3. Matt_192

    Eon Ticket Event

    Today, it has been announced that the Eon Ticket will be distributed for ORAS in Japan, the UK and the US. It has also been revealed, quite strangely, that when you get this event, you can distribute it via StreetPass. However, you will not lose your original copy. For folks in the UK, it will...
  4. Matt_192

    ORAS Megas Competitive Analysis Project

    Currently, I am in the process of starting to write analysis of the new megas prior to the release of ORAS, just to get a look before the introduction of the new metagame. However, you can probably understand that this will take quite a while, so I am enlisting the help of any good battlers on...
  5. Matt_192

    All New Megas Base Stats Revealed! Competitive Discussion and Info!

    So today, some hackers at projectpokemon (or at least, I believe so) have managed to look inside the ORAS demo files and have leaked some of the Mega stats! In this thread, I will look at their stats, and provide my own competitive opinion on them, but feel free to provide yours down in the...
  6. Matt_192

    Mega Steelix and Glalie Join the Battle!

    So today, new scans have come in from the demo detailing two new megas - Mega Steelix and Mega Glalie! Let's start out with some pictures Mega Steelix is confirmed to get the ability Sand Force, but not many details have currently been confirmed - I will continually update this thread when...
  7. Matt_192

    October CoroCoro Reveals

    A whole host of new news came in in the latest CoroCoro scans today, including new megas, more news about Exclusive Pokemon and more! Starting off with the new megas, Pidgeot and Beedrill are going to be the two new megas off this week. Mega Pidgeot retains its Normal / Flying typing, and...
  8. Matt_192

    Recent Mega Images and Primal Form News!

    So today, a whole load of new scans showed us the new Primal Moves and Abilities, as well as more images about the recently revealed Megas: Camerupt, Gallade and Sharpedo. To start, Mega Groudon is said to get the ability 'Desolate Land.' This starts up what is said to be a 'harsh sunlight,'...
  9. Matt_192

    Mega Audino and Slowbro join ORAS!

    So just today, the official website of Korea has accidentally leaked two images for two new megas, namely Mega Slowbro and Mega Audino. Mega Slowbro will have the ability Shell Armour, and appears to keep the same Water/Psychic typing, whereas Mega Audino will become a Normal/Fairy type with the...
  10. Matt_192

    New ORAS Details - More Info on Altaria, Salamence, Lopunny and more!

    The Pokemon Company has today revealed new information about the newly revealed megas, Altaria, Salamence and Lopunny (click here if you don't know about these), as well as information about other aspects of the remakes. Starting with the new megas, it has firstly been revealed that Mega...
  11. Matt_192

    All New August CoroCoro Reveals!

    There's been a lot revealed this month, so I'll go through it all as fast as possible! Firstly, 3 new megas have been confirmed: Mega Altaria w/ Pixilate - Dragon/Fairy Mega Lopunny w/ Scrappy - Normal/Fighting Mega Salamence w/ Aerilate - Dragon/Flying Salamence and Altaria were...
  12. Matt_192

    August 12 - Mega Evolution Scoop Thoughts

    Hi So we've known for a few weeks now that we will be getting a 'Mega Evolution Scoop' on August 12th, but Nintendo hasn't really revealed what this entails. So what do you guys think? Do you think this will be a reveal of stats and images of already revealed Megas (i.e. Metagross, Diancie...
  13. Matt_192

    Return and Revamp of Secret Bases

    I'm a bit late to be talking about this but.... I'M SO HYPED FOR THE NEW BASES, like holy crap these things got a major revamp. Here's some pics: Here we can see the return of Pokedolls, as well as lots of different types of furniture and plant (which I believe is a lot more than we got in...
  14. Matt_192

    Mega Diancie Stats and Thoughts

    So Mega Diancie was revealed a few weeks or months back and I just wondered what your thoughts are on it? Also, as all mega Pokemon generally get a 100 stat increase, what do you think Mega Diancies new stats will look like? Diancie: 50/100/150/100/150/50 To be honest, anyway you cut it, this...
  15. Matt_192

    Changes to the Region

    Just a thought, but like we saw in Platinum, do you guys think there will be any map changes? Platinum got the update with a snowy landscape (which wasn't too important) but also gave us the addition of the Regi Caves. Also, do you think that they will add content to older parts of Hoenn that...