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  1. Senpai

    Fan Art - Amazing

    Looking at it now, it occurs reminds me that the Hoenn map could be used as a Mario Kart track xD
  2. Senpai

    Fan Art - Amazing

    my arceus this looks good! <3
  3. Senpai

    Requests for trick room example teams?

    Hazama how you get that picture to be set there automatically when you comment?
  4. Senpai

    Closed Ditto with Adamant nature?

    nvm xP its way too much creds in the first place plus i got no good pokemons
  5. Senpai

    Closed Ditto with Adamant nature?

    i got a rotom wash .3.
  6. Senpai

    Favorite Pokemon?

    Empoleon all day 8)
  7. Senpai

    Closed Ditto with Adamant nature?

    I got an Adamant Iron Fist Chimchar you want?
  8. Senpai

    Was kinda bored, so I drew a human Yveltal

    You used a graphics tablet no? o3o
  9. Senpai

    Closed Ditto with Adamant nature?

    im still left with no adamant ditto :3 and at most ill ask for one with 4IVs
  10. Senpai

    Favorite Dragon Pokemon?

    Garchomp, Dragalge, and Charizard ;3
  11. Senpai

    Closed Ditto with Adamant nature?

    i got only 14 credits so how about that and a scyther with IVs for attack and speed with adamnant nature and technitian?
  12. Senpai

    Closed Ditto with Adamant nature?

    Look at my creds, i dont got that much xD
  13. Senpai

    Closed Ditto with Adamant nature?

    Anyone have one with that nature? idc for IVs just want a ditto with the right nature for my scyther ;A; FC: 1263-7269-8993