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Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!
Hey chaos! would like to order these next 7 mon (if ur still doing buy 5 get 2 free, if not then just the first 4 mons are good enough) Ric Flare (Incineroar) (M) @ Assault Vest Ability:intimidte Level:100 Nature: Brave Shiny: Y EVs: 252 HP/ 196 Atk/ 60 SpD IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0 Spe - flare...- glory2God
- Post #13,398
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon
Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!
Hello, would like these 5 mons plz: Stakataka@airballoon Beast Boost Nickname: jEnGa Lonely Lowest lvl possible Shiny plz IVs: 31/31/14/31/31/0 EVs: 252 Hp/ 252 atk/ 4 spD Trick room Gyro ball Earthquake Rock Slide OT: Malachi Heavy Ball Toxapex(F)@black sludge Regenerator Nickname: Ruby Calm...- glory2God
- Post #12,516
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon
Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!
Hey chaos been awhile haha. Got a new team i'd like to order! Ash -greninja @ choice specs Nickname: Ashes2Ashes Ability: Battle bond EVs: 4 Def/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe Lvl: 37 (or lowest possible level) Shiny: yes plz Nature: Timid -Hydro Pump -Dark Pulse -Water Shuriken -Ice Beam Luxury...- glory2God
- Post #12,298
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon
Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!
pheramosa (Phera) @choice scarf EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Ability: beast boost lvl 55 or lowest possible shiny if possible yes plz rash nature -focus blast bug buzz u-turn ice beam 31 iv all- glory2God
- Post #8,947
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon
Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!
yoo i would like to cop 4 more homie Golisopod (Gogo) (M) @ Buginium Z ability: emergency exit shiny yes lvl 55 adamant 252 hp 252 atk 4 def first impression aqua jet sucker punch spikes 31 iv all Gliscor (Sky) (F) @ toxic orb ability: poison heal shiny yes lvl 55 careful 244 HP 8 Def 200 SpD...- glory2God
- Post #8,941
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon
Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!
yoo full team order bro!.. one is free right? maraenie (BloodyMary)(F) @ leftovers Ability: regenerator EVs: 252 HP / Atk / 88 Def / 0 SpA / 168 SpD / 0 Spe Level: 30 Shiny: Yes Nature: impish - baneful bunker - recover - liquidation - poision jab Pokeball IV: perfect all 31 OT: Malachi...- glory2God
- Post #8,629
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon
Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!
yooo buddy, can i order the same exact chansey i ordered before except with heal bell instead of toxic? lol nickname: Pre YES shiny Bold Natural Cure lvl 5 female perfect IVs Heal Bell / Soft Boiled SEISMIC TOSS / WISH OT: Malachi I have PC's waiting jst give me the heads up brudda- glory2God
- Post #5,215
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon
Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!
yoo chaos i need "Anutha One" lol thundurus 'MonInTheSky shiny please Timid Prankster Leftovers male lvl1 If possible lol. if not lowest lvl possible, 50? Perfect IV's nasty plot thunderwave hidden power flying grass knot OT: Malachi- glory2God
- Post #5,194
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon
Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!
yooo im ready whenever you are! Pc's have been transferred :)- glory2God
- Post #5,192
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon
Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!
yoo one more bro lol Ferroseed Twizzler shiny yes relaxed iron barbs leftovers perfect IV's 252 HP 88 DEF 168 SpD stealth rock leech seed thunderwave gyroball I can transfer PC asap jst let me know- glory2God
- Post #5,191
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon
Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!
awesome, and yea jst got home mine is 0473-8027-7043- glory2God
- Post #5,184
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon
Closed [Scarlet Violet!] Chaos Shop: 6iv/Shiny/Legends/Events/All Pokemon/Best Deals - Quick Delivery!
hey im brand new to this but im interested in buying one of your customizable shiny pkmn. Chansey Babe YES shiny Bold Natural Cure lvl 1 female IV 6 Toxic / Soft Boiled SEISMIC TOSS / WISH OT: Malachi- glory2God
- Post #5,181
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon