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Search results

  1. PokemonFan

    Vivillon question

    I know that Vivillon wing's pattern depend on my game location but when this is set? When the pokemon is created ( hatched or catched as a Scatterbug) or when Spewba evolves into Vivillon?
  2. PokemonFan

    Battle Maison Triple Battle

    Have anyone beat the 50 battle in a row at Triple Battle yet? I try multiple team but don't have much succeed. Any tips would help. It's the only trophy i lack
  3. PokemonFan

    Dex Navigator shiny chain

    In ORAS when i chain shiny using Dex Navigator, if i accept online battle challenge will that interupted the chain?
  4. PokemonFan

    The Mega Evolution animation?

    In pokemon ORAS when battle sometime i saw the full animation when the trainer raised his hand, the energy burst and the pokemon Mega evolve while sometime the pokemon just evolve instantly. Is this just random or this defending on who you battle?
  5. PokemonFan

    The mysterious old man at Battle Resort

    As the title say, at the Battle Resort in the small house next to the Maison there is an old man whose speak all Japanese. A man wear black glassed next to him say he took an interested in the Trainer (me). Does anyone know what he is saying?
  6. PokemonFan

    Question about pokemon

    My friend ask me a question about pokemon but i haven't found the answer yet so i ask here: "Is there any pokemon with three different abilities but you can tell its ability instantly when it enter battle?"