
  1. OkamiOfFire

    LF rare stuff in Oklahoma

    Anybody know an Oklahoma location of a nest or at least a decent spawn point for Dratini, Bagon, Feebas, Ralts, or Larvitar?
  2. WordFlyer

    Closed LF: Honedge, Bagon, or their evolutions, and Skarmory--some egg moves wanted

    LF: The following. Must have blue pentagon. Bagon (or evolved form), 6IV, Adamant, Intimidate, knows Dragon Dance Honedge (or evolved form), 5IV with 0 Speed IV. Sassy nature. If it knows Wide Guard, that'd be awesome, but not 100% necessary Skarmory, 6 IV, Bold, Sturdy, Knows Whirlwind...
  3. WordFlyer

    Closed Competitive Rotom-Wash

    Looking for a Bold, 31/x/31/31/31/31 Rotom/Rotom-Wash. Level doesn't matter and I can do the EV training. I've got a 6 IV Jolly Protean Frogadier w/ Pokerus (or a 5IV one that has been chain bred to know Toxic Spikes), a 6 IV Naughty Rock Head Shelgon (w/ Pokerus), or a 5IV (lacks attack IVs...
  4. L

    Looking for bred Dragons

    Hello everyone! I usually save my best pokemon and then start all over again with a new themed team. RIght now I'm about to go on a 6 dragon pokemon dream team since the start, that's why I'm looking for the fllowing: 1. Natural Cure Timid Altaria 2. Rough Skin Impish Gible 3. Rock Head...
  5. Josel Fortaleza

    Looking for RIOLU/LUCARIO & BAGON

    I'm looking for Riolu (or Lucario) & a low level Bagon. A bred one is fine. Message me if you have any of those to trade for nothing too special. (Just starting out) Thanks!
  6. Jaymee_Murder

    LF Hi IV HA Foongus - Trading Hi IV mons listed

    Preferably looking for a female foongus with regen and a cool ball like a safari ball, mons im trading (with egg moves): tyrunt male jolly sturdy (ha) hp,att,def,spdef,spe dragon dance + fangs slowpoke females modest regen hp,def,spatt,spdef,max spe or 0 spe and has future sight bagon female...
  7. Jaymee_Murder

    FT Breedjects and 5iv mons including Ha Tyrunts, Ha Skrelps, Goomys ETC

    Hi im new and have loads of backed up pokemon from breeding to trade, ive listed them below :) Friend code is: 0920-0830-0633, IGN is Jamie Trading lv1 breedjects mostly high ivs with ems: tyrunts jolly *sturdy* (rare HA) goomy modest sap sipper in heal balls skrelp modest adaptability solosis...