
  1. H

    LF Castform

    I could breed and offer something of your choice, Dratini, Carvanha, Vanillite, Bruxish, Mareanie, Alomomola, Relicanth, Chinchou or a Goomy . Unless I'm mistaken and any of these can't breed.
  2. WordFlyer

    LF: Friend Safari friends, especially with Dratini; ground type here.

    Hi all, I'm trying to find a Friend Safari where I can find a Hidden Ability Dragonair. I've only got one friend with that pokemon, but since they never unlocked the third slot, I can't get the HA. But, I'll also add any others too. My safari is Ground type with Camerupt, Phanphy, and Diggersby.
  3. Salamence789

    Multiscale Dratini wanted

    Hi all, I am looking for a Dratini with Multiscale, is there anyone who can help me out? In return, I have several Legendaries which I don't need. I also have a lot of outstanding pokémon in all kind of mineral groups. Please reply or pm me if you want to help me out, I will gladly trade with...